Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 2011

Atttic door


Future cranberries


Hens taking over Ralph's shed

End of house...

almost done...


Hamlet catching some rays.

Mottie doing the same.

Scraping the driveway 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 2011

New 500 gallon gas tank installed.

One of Liberty Farm gardens rototilled. New bed of garlic on the right! A row of kale that escaped the frost.

Second Liberty Farm garden. Brussel sprouts left.

Vineyard with holes dug for posts.

Hen's have discovered the well garden.

Hens are loving their new free range status. Notice Hope in the background ignoring the hens? Who would have thought it possible??

Cheeky little things aren't they?


Using the grass clipping- which I spend all morning raking up - on the garlic bed.

Almost finished. Just a few more shingles, some stain and we're done!