Friday, August 12, 2011

August at Liberty Farm

Work is progressing at Liberty Farm, on the house and on the grounds. Our gardens have yielded a lot this year and are still providing delicious vegetables. I've frozen vegetables and made pickles for the last couple of weeks.
Potato plants in the foreground; tomatoes in the middle and corn in the back.

Corn is almost ready to pick.

Beans and cucumbers.

Two sides of the house are completely finished.

Jay, the Houdini of chickens.

Back side of house awaits shingles.

Cats enjoying the sun. Hamlet particularly enjoys the canning jar boxes. Mottie likes them too but has to wait until Hamlet vacates them.

The dirt pile is gone.

Outdoor lights on either side of garage door.

Garage is finished (all except for paint. Drywall finished; lights all in; plumbing completed.

After a year of China Wash and Dry, this is heaven!

The bounty of Liberty Farm.

Jon is halfway up the back side of the house with shingles.

Doing a fine job!

Back door light.

Deck will come next. Deck lights already in.

Jon's stuff gathered and organized rather than being strewn from one end of the garage to the other. :>)