Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 28, 2011 - Flora and latest progress at Liberty Farm

Shingles almost to the top of the peak.

One of Jon's gardens.

Delphinium bed.

Peas will be ready in a few days. Lots of pods but still need to fill out.

I love the pale blue ones.

Grapevines are going well.

Camp is still there but it looks so lonely without us there and without all the flowers we had last year.

Clematis growing up the side of the dog pen.


Cinnamon rose. Very thorny but very fragrant.

Honeysuckle vine. The hummingbirds love it.

Spent the day cleaning the camp and unpacking the books I had at school.

I like the reconfiguration of the camp into a reading/writing space.

This wall of books represents my collection of professional books.

Young adult novels - the ones that I didn't give away to the kids when I left.

Camp kitchen cleaned.

Kitchen bar - cleaned.

Asiatic lilies.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Jon is determined to get the staging down from the front of the house so we can have an unobstructed view. He's been a shingling fool!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The day before the first day of summer - June 20

Shingling coming along nicely.

Watching the sun set with a nice little fire in the chiminea


Enjoying the evening.

I love our sunsets. On this day, June 20th, the time is about 8:30. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 2011

Shingles going on. Note the great green trim.

Front entry.


Garden (with Jon's shadow)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Outdoor chickens

The three older hens discovered loose dirt under the ramp and had a great time taking a dirt bath.

Jon's backyard chicken coop and outdoor pen.

The five little ones are very happy to have space and time to eat without the bigger hens picking on them.

Rustic, but functional.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jon's Chickens

Edna, Loie, and Jay. Jay is the Buff Orpington. The other two are Black Giants. He actually named these three for his two aunts and his mother.

In the corner are five other younger chickens, Blanche, Celia, Agatha, Doris, and Ethel.

The coop that Jon built.

The younger ones have a box in which to hide from the bullies.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 1 - Hope's 9th Birthday

Frosty Paws for her birthday! She is really good at STAY.

But when she hears FREE DOG, she is all over that ice cream.

She has learned to use her "hands" to keep the cup from slipping away.